I really don’t remember what I did on Friday. Maybe I just went home and relaxed.
NO! I remember what I did. So I start working as a server at Outback pretty soon. I thought I was supposed to go in for training last weekend, the 3rd and 4th. Turns out it is actually this weekend, starting the 9th. So all day I was trying to get stuff done for it. Got my food handler’s card, found some dickies, made an appointment for the liquor certification. That was about it for the day. I found the paper that showed my schedule, so for the rest of the day, I just studied.

Saturday, I played with Brock all day! He beat me up, made my tongue start bleeding. Then in the evening, I got ready for my blind date to the ADPi formal. I timed it. I ironed, showered, shaved, got ready in a shirt and tie and was out the door in under 20 minutes. It turned out to be a very good night. I was really skeptical going into it as I had never actually danced at a dance before. Moe, my Pi Kapp big brother, was asked to go to the formal and his conditions were that I went along with. Hooking me up. We waited at the ADPi house for a long time, people were just chilling mostly. There were about 11 Pi Kapps there, as well as other fraternities. The other guys reminded me why I thought I’d never join a fraternity. By the time we got to the Hilton, I was relatively relaxed with the group I was with. Once there, we had salad, chicken and dessert. I didn’t think we were getting an actual meal, so I ate my dessert before my chicken. It was good though. Immediately after eating, we went out to the dance floor and went crazy until it was time to leave. I met a guy there that told me he’d hook us up with rooms if we would get him into some of the Tempe parties. We’ll see what happens I guess. After several changes to plans, we ended up at an apartment in vista. I brought my hookah out and Moe and I had some amazing deep conversation until 4am. Once that ended, I slept.
Unfortunately, Sunday morning came way too early. I got up after 3 hours of sleep and knocked out a rough draft of our next project in English 101 and studied history and information on Pi Kappa Phi. I missed our first meeting and got behind everyone else in that study, so I feel like I’m trying to catch up to their knowledge now. In the afternoon, I went and got some Ted’s Dogs and then headed to our meeting. I had to leave early though since I had a non-date to go on that evening. I was having trouble finding a date for it, but Shannon, a girl in my ASU101 class, is not only a female engineer, but also a Star Wars geek. I convinced her to come with me to share my excitement. It was so cool once we got there. There were not as many people dressed up as I expected. Mostly it was kids in Star Wars pajamas. It was a orchestral concert that played a handful of John Williams Star Wars songs. There were Lasers, Fog, Fire, and amazingness. After the first song, the Phantom Menace, I was yelling and cheering. I got pretty darn pumped. Music does that to me. Anthony Daniels, C3P0, narrated the entire event. There was also a choir in the back of the orchestra. I really want to figure out what words they actually sing. I wonder if they have to memorize gibberish. After the concert, I made sure we snapped a pic with Chewie, and then we headed home.
That was the weekend. Hanging out with Moe and the Star Wars concert really made it super. Moe and I actually figured out our costumes for Halloween, but that will be revealed later. I’ll for sure be putting pictures of it up.
This week I think is going to be all studying and paper writing. Then the weekend, I’ve actually got the Outback training. Hopefully I don’t bomb it.
Wow, you had quite the weekend! Good to hear you busy though which is much better than doing nothing, right!? :) Well done my friend, your blog is coming a long smoothly.